My dad was an avid stamp collector from youth. It's funny how he seemed to infect others with the hobby of stamp collecting, but never did get around to telling me why he himself loved it so much. When I was a child, I remember him getting big envelopes of brand new first day covers in the mail. Oftentimes, he would wait until I would get home from school so we could open and discover, together, what this month's delivery would be. I remember the big blue binders for the first day covers, his green tackle box full of discarded papers from stamp stickies, and his excitement in sharing his collection with me.
Then I became a teenager. And I'm sorry to say that I wasn't interested in stamps or the art of collecting them anymore. I'm also sorry to say that in my early twenties my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer and after fighting valiantly and bravely for six years, died in March, 2006. I used to think it was too late for me to share the love of stamps with him, but after digging out his collection and sharing it with my friend, Judy, I know that I actually can share it with him again.

The best of the day was actually not a stamp, but a letter we found. It was written by my dad, at the age of twelve, with his meticulous handwriting already evident. It was to my great-grandparents in Texas and other than outlining how the Padres won the pennant against the Stars in minor league play that summer, he also went into detail about getting a shot "in his end" and his inability to sit down for a couple days.
It was how he signed off at the end of his letter that was very magical. I read it and realized that not only was it written for my great-grandparents over fifty years ago, but it was also written for me... today. It gently and innocently asks to please write again, to continue our relationship through the memories, which, I believe, the stamp collection now facilitates.

Beautiful. Nothing I can say. Dakota and I had a good cry this morning.
Love, Mom
Marcie, What a wonderful tribute to your dad, you have such a way with putting your feelings into words.
Love AC
It was a truly magical experience. One of my favorite discoveries was Lee's birth announcement. So precious a life and so perfect a little piece of paper announcing such life. Thank you for allowing us to share in the collection and memories. Love you, Jude and Josh
Thanks ladies! And I can't wait for our next stamp discovery day, J&J. Bought some plastic baggies and now just need to find someplace where they sell the stamp stickies.
wow, what a great blog. stumbled upon it by accident after you commented on my tweet. such a beautiful story & tribute. i'm so happy you have this part of your dad still with you:)
i lost my dad from cancer a little over a year ago. i've been thinking of him constantly today. i've been planning my wedding this summer & have been trying to think of ways to celebrate him on that day. seems inspired and fortuitous that i saw this:) thanks for sharing! xo amanda
Amanda, I am really touched by your words. I am finding more and more girls losing their dads too young. Anyway, I am so sad to hear your dad passed away, too.
I sent you an email to your 94.9 acct with some more thoughts... thank you so much for responding. It reminds me that this is something GOOD that needs to be done for me and hopefully for others, too.
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