Monday, March 29, 2010

First Friend Recommendation

I am now taking requests. Just think of me as the StampDJ. If anyone comes across a sweet idea or stamp that they like, I am keeping a running file of stamps to find!

My very first recommendation comes from Joe. He's on my blog list, too. Joe comes from Columbus, Oh., but we still care for him very much anyway. (Muwahaha)

Joe is obsessed with VW's! He came across this spiffy little number today and sent it to me:

I think Joe may have found his own stamp collecting niche! What do you think?
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Friday, March 12, 2010

Narrowing the Niche

I've been perusing through few stamp collecting sites, trying to get my bearings in this new identity of being a "stamp collector." I say to myself, "Self! I am a stamp collector!" To which the Self wrinkles the brow and gets a bit shifty eyed. Seriously? Collecting stamps? Weird.

This term "stamp collector" conjures up imagery, does it not?

Mostly this:

Actually, in my case, it would be more like this:
Now, before I make enemies with any legitimate members of Stamp Collecting Society as a whole, please let me explain myself. I am under the sway of any and every stereotype I have ever heard of what stamp collecting is and the kind of people who do it. I am in no way saying I am correct. I know I am not. So, please no lynchings!

I am, however, starting down the journey of collecting stamps. Just think of me as an outsider looking in on the window of the glowing, fire-warmed living room of Stamp Collecting. There is the child-like stereotype that only nerds collect stamps. And while I haven't technically met anyone yet who does collect stamps, I know this stereotype is invalid, but fun to write about!

I do notice that there seems to be an age gap with this hobby. I find links and lots of information for the "Stamp Novice" and they're always geared for the "Junior Collector." I also notice that a great majority of folks are of retirement age (lucky blokes!) collecting stamps in regional groups.

So, while I write this with a smirk on my face, I ask boldly: where are the twenty-somethings? Are we just too busy listening to rock and roll? Why is this a hobby that appeals to the very young and the retired?

A goal of mine in this journey is to meet others who share this hobby. I wish to share and trade some of my collection with others and network across the country, and hopefully the world! If anyone knows a friend or a family member who collects, could you please direct them to me?

My very, very next goal is to figure out where exactly I want my stamp collecting niche to be. I think I am leaning towards African stamps, horse themed stamps, or musical stamps.

In the meantime, I'll break through my stereotype issues, remembering that stamp collecting isn't nerdy at all... and watch my Star Trek re-runs.
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